《从学生到bwin体育》:约翰. Young research program prepares students for postgraduate opportunities

作者:Matt Overing

约翰·C. 年轻的委员会主席托马斯·艾伦宣布2023年研讨会开幕.

Centre College’s premier research challenge is nearing its summit.


的 约翰·C. 年轻的程序 at Centre is a prestigious challenge for high-achieving seniors looking to tackle a project in their final year at the College.  


正如委员会主席阿兹塔·奥桑洛(Azita Osanloo)指出的那样,约翰·C. Young (JCY) program takes dedication, ambition and resilience from its scholars.


It’s remarkable and impressive how these young students go from being students to scholars — not only because of what they accomplish at the end of their senior years but the tenacity it takes to steep yourself into the world of your scholarly preoccupations and ambitions for a whole year,奥桑卢说. 


Osanloo is an associate professor of English at Centre and also 的 Writing Center director. 她指导过三个独立的约翰·C. Young scholars and said the year-long projects are a commitment for faculty as well — something that makes Centre College special.


“这在学术界很少见, 尤其是在本科阶段, 和你的教授紧密合作,”她说。. “But especially at Centre, professors try to do that in every classroom opportunity. 这就是这些关系开始的地方.”   


Six students were selected last year to embark on year-long research projects in the 2023-24 academic year. Those students are tasked with asking a faculty member to be their mentor and share their proposal.


大多数约翰·C. Young scholars come to their mentors with fully formed or nearly formed proposals,奥桑卢说. “的y have very clear and ambitious goals for what they would like to accomplish throughout the year. Much of the time they’re overly ambitious — they have an idea of what they want to study but need help articulating the end product.


“I’ve found that the challenge is not getting to a place where they have something to share, but it’s actually rather difficult to distill everything about what they have learned and done for a year-plus into a 20- to 25-minute presentation. I think for many students, that presentation is an invitation to share their work.”


Osanloo added that, every year, there are more worthy applications than JCY Scholar opportunities. 


我希望约翰C. Young symposium shines a light on the other undergraduate research opportunities at Centre,”她说。. “的re are students who are doing so many things that they can’t or just don’t want to spend the entirety of their senior year working on a 约翰·C. Young project — like the RICE Symposium or working with a professor on their research. 约翰·C. 年轻只是一个机会. I hope it helps and motivates students to think about ways to present their work and to take their work beyond the classroom through other programs.” 


So many opportunities for students to research and explore creative pursuits is just one reason why Osanloo appreciates Centre's enriching academic environment. 学院保证所有学生获得a 研究的机会 或在bwin体育的四年实习.


I’m so proud that we work at a school that supports this kind of ambition,”她说。. “I’m always proud at the audacity of the students who dare to dream in this regard. 这不是一件容易的事, to walk into the unknown as courageously as some of these students do with these projects. 你不知道一年后这段旅程将如何结束. 我们正在灌输这种勇气, that’s what our job is — it’s to prepare them to believe that they can do it, 无论发生什么.”


JCY students will present their year-long research projects during a symposium in Centre’s Vahlkamp 的ater on Saturday, 4月13日, 早上8:40开始.m.



遵循 @CentreCollege on social media to see project highlights and student perspectives on the 约翰·C. 青年bwin体育计划. As projects are shared, this webpage will be updated with links.



约翰·C. 青年bwin体育和导师,2023-24


梅森布恩. 教师 adviser: Stodghill Professor of Behavioral Neuroscience Melissa Burns-Cusato


约瑟夫猎鹰. 教师 adviser: Grissom Professor of Anthropology Robyn Cutright


特米Haastrup. 教师 adviser: Assistant Professor of Chemistry Erin Wachter


安雅哈特曼. 教师 advisers: Associate Professor of Art 历史 Amy Frederick and Associate Professor of Religion Shana Sippy


把帕金斯. 教师 adviser: 访问ing Assistant Professor of Politics Peter S.K. 林奇


Annalise魏德曼. 教师 adviser: Pottinger Associate Professor of 历史 Sara Egge and Professor of International Studies Lori Hartmann