中央学院2024届毕业生 honored in 201st 毕业典礼 ceremony



Centre College celebrated 305 new graduates in the 2024届毕业生 on Sunday, May 19.

Students who entered college amid a global pandemic persevered to walk across the 诺顿艺术bwin体育’ stage, 学位在手. More than one in five students in the class were the first in their family to graduate from college.

The 亲爱的orable 马修Barzun delivered the commencement address, celebrating the bonds forged by the 2024 graduates. Barzun是一位商业领袖和前美国总统.S. ambassador, wove a message around a historic phrase in Centre’s history: C6-H0.

Barzun重新构思了这个著名的铭文, which represents the final score of the history-making 1921 football upset when Centre toppled mighty Harvard.

“C6-H0: The secret formula of organic chemistry between people,” Barzun said. “The letter C: Continuing to deal constructively with difference. 六个. H: having it all figured out by yourself. 零. 或者更简单一点:连贯6分,傲慢0分.”

亲爱的. 马修Barzun
亲爱的. 马修Barzun

罗马德赛, Riley Fowler and Jeff Foster were awarded the Valedictorian prizes, named for Gavin Easton Wiseman and George Winston Welsh.

在305名毕业生中, 123 students graduated with honors: 26 graduated Summa Cum Laude, 49名优等生和47名优等生. 在班上, 30 were inducted into Centre’s chapter of Phi Beta Kappa, the nation’s oldest honor society for the liberal arts and sciences.

So, 2024届毕业生接下来要做什么? Graduates are ready as soon as they cross the stage, with 98 percent of Centre alumni employed or in postgraduate education within one year.

Centre will send its newest alumni across the globe, from Fulbright English Teaching Assistants to prestigious fellowships in Germany. 2024届毕业生 members will attend prestigious medical and law schools, from Yale University Nursing to the University of Chicago Law school. Young artists will enter the workforce as graphic designers and musicians. And, as Barzun said — the class is one that made its impact together.

“你承担了风险。. 你寻求帮助. 你做出了牺牲. And bonds were formed, many that will last a lifetime,” Barzun said. “We often make the mistake of thinking that we do hard things together, because we're friends. 这是有一定道理的. But the real secret is that we are friends, because we have done hard things together.”

查看文件. 马修Barzun's full commencement address here.

Student Government Association President Hailey Finch delivered the senior response in the 毕业典礼 ceremony and recognized her class and its dedication.


“This idea of resurrection seemed embodied by our class. 这是我们的责任,”芬奇说. “Did we not enter college at a time when the grief in the world seemed larger than life, when life as we knew it had come to an end and our energy was spent mourning the first year experience we wish we had? … But through grit, perseverance and tenacity, we were resurrected. We resurrected ourselves because we had to, and in many ways became the class that got to reinvent Centre.”

牧师. Kerry Rhoads Mansir ’99 echoed the strength of the connections forged at Centre as she delivered the Baccalaureate service address. 在这里查看她完整的学士学位演讲.

“对我们大多数人来说, 在我们的一生中, what will be our foundation — the thing that keeps us centered — will be our connection with others,”她说。.

bwin体育总裁米尔顿C. 莫兰德祝贺2024届毕业生, noting how they now have made their mark on the College’s rich tradition.

米尔顿·C总统. 信息会
米尔顿·C总统. 信息会

While we have grown far beyond the budding institution founded over 200 years ago here in Danville, 肯塔基州, we have never grown beyond an intensely personal teaching and learning that encourages students to succeed at extraordinary levels and lead purposeful lives of continual curiosity and discovery,莫兰德说. “As we celebrate this commencement today with you, we take pride in your many accomplishments, 2024届毕业生. You are now part of Centre’s ongoing story, a continuous 205 years of producing leaders and change agents for our world. You have now the toolkit to make a difference for good. And we look forward to watching you in all of your future endeavors.”



Watch webcasts of the 2024 Baccalaureate and 毕业典礼 ceremonies.






Top majors: economics and finance, biology, psychology, politics, behavioral neuroscience, history

235 students who studied abroad or away (79%)

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