2023 Bonner graduating cohort group photo with eleven students

Bonner Program

Access to Education. Opportunity to Serve.

bwin体育的邦纳项目吸引了来自美国各地的学生,他们每天都是变革者,并热衷于为社区服务. 我们的学生在接受精英文科教育的同时,也通过核心课程体验在个人和专业方面成长, direct service, one-on-one mentorship, and connection to a national network.

Program Overview

Over four years, 邦纳斯通过在当地一家非营利组织完成为期四年的带薪实习,深入研究影响我们社会的问题, engaging with their cohort through cornerstone experiences, and participating in weekly topic meetings.

Look Into Bonner

邦纳bwin体育和领袖是中央学院一个充满活力的变革者团体. 在这个视频中,邦纳校友分享了他们对组织如此有影响力的原因的见解, 因为你可以看到邦纳bwin体育的许多人共同的经历.

What to Expect

Four Year Partnership

所有邦纳学生每学期必须与社区的非营利合作伙伴一起完成120小时的服务工作(毕业时总计960小时)。. 我们的35多个非营利合作伙伴是真正的共同教育者,他们在四年中为博纳斯提供直接指导

Cornerstone Experiences

Group photo of students working on service project on site


  • 第一年服务之旅-在西弗吉尼亚州卡雷塔的沉浸式服务体验
  • 二年级学生交流服务会议,汇集了大二邦纳学生
  • 初级遗产项目-与非营利合作伙伴一起解决基于项目的问题
  • 高年级学生的学习报告-每个高年级学生的报告,将他们的邦纳经历与他们的研究生努力联系起来

Weekly Meetings

每周一次的会议将所有邦纳人聚集在一起,由一位演讲嘉宾或同学做一个主题演讲.  Past Examples include:

  • The Global Reach of Clothing Waste 
  • Diversity in Children’s Literature & Book Bans 
  • Labor Unions & Strikes 
  • International Maternal Health 
  • Statistics & Social Justice 
  • The Ethics of Studying Abroad 
  • How Gender Shapes Our Perceptions of the Body 
  • Financial Literacy & Student Loans

Financial Benefits

邦纳计划由邦纳bwin体育和邦纳领袖组成. 而bwin体育和领袖都参加同一个项目, 根据需要,奖学金学生的经济援助方案与领导不同.

Bonner FundingScholarLeader
Scholarship$30,000 (renewable)Priority consideration for need-based financial aid
Summer of Service$3,500 per summer*$3,500 per summer*
Federal Work Study$2,200 annually (complete 240 hours of service work)
Rising Senior Fund$500 (successful completion of junior year)


Bonner group of students using a heart symbol with their hands

The Bonner Foundation

Connect With A National Network

Colleges and universities, local and national non-profits, and a thriving Alumni network — collectively, working to transform lives through service

Additional Benefits

Campus Community

Bonner group photo at bowling ally at event

Connection to community is a core part of the Bonner experience. 你将成为一个15人的队列和一个60人的项目的一部分,因此与其他博纳人的接触将是持续的. 你们将通过游戏之夜等社区建设活动了解彼此, movie watch parties, study sessions, and group service. 邦纳人共同成长,并通过服务融入更广泛的社区.

Grad-School Partnerships

Do you plan to continue your education after Centre? 通过高等教育机构和邦纳基金会之间的合作伙伴关系, 邦纳的学生和校友获得某种形式的经济援助, such as application fee waivers, tuition discounts, partial- or full-tuition scholarships, 和/或津贴,以减轻攻读研究生学位的经济障碍.


For over 25 years, bwin体育的邦纳项目支持那些表现优秀并对社区产生积极影响的学生.
Elizabeth Stronjan headshot

Elizabeth Strojan ’06

Elizabeth (Wisman) Strojan被任命为路易斯维尔地铁房屋管理局的执行董事,此前她曾在纽约市住房开发公司担任副总裁

Eh Nay Thaw using bullhorn during protest

Eh Nay Thaw ’18

Eh Nay Thaw领导了缅甸各地的抗议活动,以应对国内持续的危机和军事政变

Mary Kamikazi Bonner card

Mary Kamikazi '21

Mary Kamikazi earned the prestigious Rangel Fellowship, 这是一项竞争激烈的奖项,面向对外交服务和外交感兴趣的个人

How to Apply


Apply for Admission

Apply by January 15. 我们只使用通用申请,并且不收取任何费用.


Submit Candidate Form



Interview Process

Upon review, 入围者将被邀请参加与邦纳项目工作人员和学生领袖的虚拟面试过程.

Frequently Asked Questions

符合条件的学生证明由FAFSA确定的经济需求. 邦纳计划包括有学生援助指数(SAI)低于15美元的高经济需求的邦纳bwin体育,000 and Bonner Leaders who qualify for Federal Work Study. Domestic students are eligible for these opportunities. United States citizenship is not required. 持学生签证在bwin体育学习的国际学生不符合此计划的资格.

要提名学生,请使用bwin体育学院奖学金提名表格. 在表格中勾选“特殊奖学金”以显示邦纳计划. Acceptable nominators include: school counselor, core course teacher, community-based organization liaison, employer, 或者可以证明学生资格的独立大学顾问.

Submit a nomination form

There are seven Common Commitments of the Bonner Program.

  1. Diversity
  2. Social Justice
  3. Civic Engagement
  4. Community Building
  5. International Perspective
  6. Wellness
  7. Spiritual Exploration

所有波恩人承诺每周工作6-8小时(每学期120小时)。, attending weekly meetings, 并充分参与新邦纳的培训和所有邦纳的务虚会. 此外,邦纳bwin体育必须完成两个夏天的服务.

Bonners可以在501(c)(3)非营利或非营利组织完成他们的服务工作. The Office of Civic & “社区参与”已经与当地组织建立了超过35个合作伙伴关系, 但邦纳人也能够提出新的社区伙伴关系. 了解更多bwin体育的社区合作伙伴,请访问bwin体育的服务跟踪平台CentreEngage.

Learn more about our community partners

For More Information