

The discipline of biology encompasses many subject areas ranging from the study of molecular and cellular functions to the ecological interactions among organisms.


通过各种各样的课程, 实验室和现场工作, 还有校外学习的机会, the biology program at Centre is dedicated to fostering in students the ability to understand and appreciate the biological world at all levels, 从亚细胞到生态系统. Students planning on majoring in biology will prepare for the major with appropriate courses in 化学, 数学, 和物理. 除了, the faculty of the biology program place a strong emphasis on collaborative research with undergraduates, and many opportunities for internship experiences in biology are available.


生物学 majors have gone on to a variety of graduate programs and careers.


  • Kleinhart Hand研究所 & 显微外科
  • Barrier Island Environmental Education Program
  • 克莱伦森风味工程公司
  • 诺顿医疗注册会计师实验室


  • 俄亥俄州立大学
  • 路易斯维尔大学牙科学院
  • 足部医学院
  • Texas State University (MS Conservation Genetics)


Students gain a solid background in the discipline while also gaining the ability to apply biological principles to our world. Students prepare for the major with appropriate courses in 数学, 化学, 还有物理或计算机科学. 在他们的头两年, students are introduced to the breadth of the discipline in three core courses that provide a foundation in biological diversity, 生态, 进化, 遗传学, 细胞生物学. 像老年人, our majors enroll in the capstone seminar course in which students hone their oral and written communication skills as well as their ability to analyze and discuss primary literature in biology.




Students engage in hands-on learning experiences and reflection to develop skills and increase knowledge retention.

The biology faculty actively engages Centre students in a wide range of collaborative research projects. 除了, many biology majors are also successful at gaining acceptance into prestigious summer research programs in outstanding labs throughout the country.


We're committed to helping students find quality internship experiences in the career area of their choice.

The biology program also works closely with the Center for Career & Professional Development to sponsor a variety of internships which provide majors with valuable real-life experiences.


Our extraordinary liberal arts and sciences education prepares students for meaningful lives and careers.

Biologists find employment as teachers and researchers as well as in the private and government sectors. The biology major is excellent preparation for medical, 牙科, 兽医学校, 以及其他健康行业.



  • 生物学名誉教授
  • Vice President for Academic Affairs and Dean of the College, Emeritus
