Man with glasses wearing black plaid short sleeve button up in front of Old Centre


访问ing Assistant Professor of 西班牙语

办公室 & 项目


BA in 西班牙语 from Indiana University of Pennsylvania
MA in Romance language with a 西班牙语 linguistics Concentration
PhD in Romance 语言 with a Hispanic 语言学 Concentration
from The University of Georgia


菲利普利默里克 joined the faculty at Centre College in 2021 as 访问ing Assistant Professor of 西班牙语. 利默里克’s research interests include language variation and change, 社会语言学, 批评话语分析, 和语用学, and his current projects involve the analysis of structural variation in 西班牙语 spoken in Georgia as well as the critical analysis of discourse and (anti-)racism in Uruguay.

  • 利默里克,菲利普·P. 即将到来的. Discourses of anti-racism in Afro-Uruguay: A Black feminist perspective. 伊伯利亚半岛.
  • 利默里克,菲利普·P. & 莎拉·科赫. 即将到来的. Funciones emergentes de ahí como marcador discursivo: un estudio de caso. Oralia: Análisis del Discurso Oral.
  • 利默里克,菲利普·P. 即将到来的. Anti-racism, Black feminism, and protesting discourses. In
    Handbook of the Sociolinguistics of Protesting, ed. by Ashraf Abdelhay, Sinfree Makoni, and Christine Sovero. De Gruyter Mouton. 
  • 利默里克,菲利普·P. 2024. Outlier speakers and apparent effects: The case of variable subject placement in 西班牙语. International Journal of Bilingualism 0.0.
  • 我是卡雷托·罗梅罗,莎拉 & 菲利普·P. 利默里克. 2023. Construyendo comunidades a través de las redes sociales usando Spanglish: El caso de TikTok. The Bilingual Review/Revista Bilingüe 35.3. 20-41.
  • 利默里克,菲利普·P. 2023. Extending the notion of contrast and the scope of felicity: 西班牙语 null subjects in contrastive contexts. Borealis – An International Journal of Hispanic 语言学 12.1. 123-139.
  • 爱你的凯瑟琳·P. & 菲利普·P. 利默里克. 2023. Mood alternation in Mexican 西班牙语 in Georgia. 语境中的西班牙语20.1. 76-95.
  • 利默里克,菲利普·P. 2022. Regional comparisons of subject pronoun expression among Mexican-origin immigrants in Georgia. Italian Journal of 语言学 34.2. 85-120.
  • 利默里克,菲利普·P. 2022. Resistance discourse in the book of Acts: A Critical Discourse Analysis perspective. 语言. 文本. 社会9.2.
  • 利默里克,菲利普·P. 2022. New considerations for variable clitic placement in 西班牙语: Findings from Atlanta, Georgia. Revista Española de Lingüística Aplicada/西班牙语 Journal of Applied 语言学 35.2. 650-674.
  • 利默里克,菲利普·P. 2021. Historical practices of standardization in 西班牙语: A preliminary study of phonetic and orthographic changes in the Siete Partidas. 语言学 International Journal 15.2. 31-45.
  • 利默里克,菲利普·P. 2021. Un análisis preliminar de los préstamos verbales del inglés en francés y español. Revista Electrónica del Lenguaje 8. 8-18.
  • 利默里克,菲利普·P. 2021. First-person plural subject pronoun expression in Mexican 西班牙语 spoken in Georgia. Studies in Hispanic and Lusophone 语言学 14.2. 411-432.
  • 利默里克,菲利普·P. 2021. Anti-racist 文本 and Talk: A Critical Discourse Studies Approach to Black Feminism. REiLA: Journal of Research and Innovation in 语言 3.2. 79-86.
  • 利默里克,菲利普·P. 2021. Factores motivantes en la selección de tú explícito/tácito
    en el español mexicano de Atlanta, EE.UU. Estudios Filológicos. 177-195.
  • 利默里克,菲利普·P. 2021. The grammaticalization of the 西班牙语 construction lo que pasa es que: From lexical reference to subjectification. Advances in 语言 and Literary Studies 12.3. 90-93.
  • 利默里克,菲利普·P. 2021. First-person singular and third-person subject pronoun variation: The case of Mexican 西班牙语 in the U.S. 乔治亚州. Lenguaje 49.1. 104-134.
  • 利默里克,菲利普·P. 2021. Establishing a variable context for lexical subjects in 西班牙语. Forma y Función.1.
  • 利默里克,菲利普·P. 2020. An analysis of por decirlo así: A discourse marker of attenuation. 语言学杂志14.2. 71-86.
  • Bove,凯瑟琳 & 菲利普·P. 利默里克. 2020. The acquisition of subject-verb inversion and preposition placement in 西班牙语 wh- questions. 西班牙研究综述5.1. 26-46.
  • 豪、乍得 & 菲利普·P. 利默里克. 2020. Understanding language attitudes among members of a new Latino community in the Southeastern United States: From speech to tweets. In 西班牙语 across domains in the United States: 教育, public space, and social media, ed. by Francisco Salgado-Robles and Edwin M. Lamboy, 364 - 387. 莱顿:布里尔.
  • 利默里克,菲利普·P. 2020. Interaction effects on variable subject pronoun expression in 西班牙语. Lingüística y Literatura 77. 274-294.
  • 利默里克,菲利普·P. 2020. Populist and anti-populist discourse concerning African-Americans: A Critical Discourse Analysis of the Central Park Five case. Iperstoria 15. 171-187.
  • 利默里克,菲利普·P. 2020. Discursive racism against Afro-descendants in Uruguay. 西班牙研究综述4.2. 82-100.
  • 利默里克,菲利普·P. 2019. Subject expression in a Southeastern U.S. 墨西哥社区. Borealis – An International Journal of Hispanic 语言学 8.2. 243-273.
  • 利默里克,菲利普·P. 2019. The discursive distribution of subject pronouns in 西班牙语 spoken in Georgia: A weakening of pragmatic constraints? Studies in Hispanic and Lusophone 语言学 12.1. 97-126.
  • 利默里克,菲利普·P. 2018. Variable clitic placement in US 西班牙语. In Contemporary trends in Hispanic and Lusophone 语言学: Selected papers from the Hispanic Linguistic Symposium 2015, ed. 乔纳森·E. 麦克唐纳,49 - 70. 阿姆斯特丹:约翰·本杰明.
  • 利默里克,菲利普·P. 2017. Identity in discourse: Person-reference among Mexicans in the Southeastern U.S. Lengua y migración / 语言 and Migration 9.1. 85-112.
  • 利默里克,菲利普·P. 2017. 语言 contact in the US Southeast: The case of 西班牙语 subject expression in an emerging bilingual community in Georgia. 语境中的西班牙语14.1. 53-77.


  • SPA 110:基础1
  • SPA 120:基础II
  • SPA 220:中级
  • sp255:西班牙语语言学
  • SPA 291: 西班牙语 in the United States
  • LIN 210: Introduction to 语言学
